New Arrivals Drop: Full Set Ampersand, Library of Alexandria, Unlimited Duals

Highlights: Ampersand and The Dark Full Sets

Our Highlights of the week are full of... Full Sets! We got two Sealed Ampersand Full Sets for you as well as one The Dark Full Set in Good to Excellent condition.

Now you might ask: “Ampersand, what’s that?”

And the answer is easy. Each WPN Premium store received two special sets of Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. They are all foil with a glossy, transparent logo overlay on the front.

The perfect gift for any D&D collector and, of course, MtG collectors!


Unlimited, Arabian Nights and Legends

Next up we have the OS cards. Starting with Unlimited, because there are a few special cards to talk about.

First of are three signed cards: Two Jayemdae Tome (GD + EX) and one Nevinyrral's Disk (GD). But that not all the disks we got, there’s also another three unsigned Nevinyrral's Disk in Played.

We’ll also feature the 12 Unlimited Duals in the Dual category below!

Now for the other two cards from the early 9394s: There’s a Library of Alexandria (PL) as well as The Abyss (GD) and a Nether Void (GD).


Unlimited Duals and More

As promised, here come the Duals. We are going to start of course with the Unlimited ones, and then we also got some FBB Duals and Revised lands.

There’s a playset of Unlimited Savannahs (PL, EX), a playset of Unlimited Bayous (PO, PL) and a playset of Unlimited Scrublands (PL). Sounds like it was never easier to get yourself a fresh a playset of Unlimited Duals!

Next up are two Duals from the German Foreign Black Bordered: Plateau (EX) and Scrubland (EX).

And now for the 34 Revised Duals, which we’ll need a list for:


Japanese High-End Reserved List Cards

You know the drill by now, we are ready to look at some beautiful High-End Reserved List cards! First up is a full playset of Japanese Gaea’s Cradles. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting a full set of Japanese Cradles in GD-EX!

Then we also have a playset of Mox Diamonds. Three of which are English (LP, GD) and one German (GD). And another playset of Lion’s Eye Diamonds (GD, EX), one of them is also Japanese.

You can also get almost a full playset of Grim Monoliths (GD-EX) or a lonely Japanese Survival of the Fittest in Good.


Four Foils for Friends

We are only having four High-End Foils this week, but they are a looker! There’s two Phyrexian Dreadnought Judge Reward Promos (EX) and one Judge Promo Intuition (EX).

The last card is an Amonkhet Invocations Force of Will in Excellent. What a card!

New arrivals