New Arrivals: Full Set of Beta & Unlimited Power, FBB Boosters and over 70 Duals!

Highlights: Full Set of Beta & Unlimited Power

After a small break, we are back with “some” Power in our New Arrivals! This time we got a total of 9 Power Nine cards for you new in store, with the spotlight being held on two very special cards:

We have two Beta Power pieces for! Not going to beat around the bush for too long, it’s a Light Played Mox Emerald and a Played Ancestral Recall (Inked).

The other missing pieces for our full set are all from Unlimited:


More Alpha, Beta and Unlimited

We are not done yet with the Magic’s Limited and Unlimited Editions! We also got an Alpha Llanowar Elves (LP) for you, as well as a Beta Ice Storm (LP).

Unlimited is again the biggest category here, with 5 new additions (not counting the Duals):


Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends

We only got the crème de la crème from Arabian Nights, Antiquities and Legends this week.

Let’s start with Arabian Nights: Here we got of course a Bazaar of Baghdad (GD) and Library of Alexandria (PO). Then we finish the Nights with a City in a Bottle (GD), Erhnam Djinn (PL, Signed) and a King Suleiman (PL).


Next up is Antiquities, and we got every important card from there too:


And now we are going to look at the last of the three: Legends. Here you can get a new The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale (GD) for your Legacy/Vintage decks and a Chains of Mephistopheles (LP) among others. Another cool addition is an All Hallow’s Eve (EX) and an OG Mana Drain (EX).

Here’s our other Legends:


The Land of Duals

We got 75 new Duals from you from Unlimited to FBB to Revised! We’ll head straight into it with Unlimited:

Next up are Foreign Black Bordered as well as Foreign White Bordered in various languages:




The biggest chunk of Dual Lands comes of course again from Revised. There’s 53 different Revised Duals for you to pick and choose from:


  • Underground Sea - PL, GD        
  • Volcanic Island - PL, EX                              
  • Tropical Island - EX, NM             
  • Bayou - PL, LP, EX, NM
  • Badlands - PL, NM        
  • Tundra - PL, GD              
  • Taiga - PO, PL, EX, NM                                                 
  • Savannah - PL, LP, GD, EX                         
  • Plateau - LP, GD, EX                                                      
  • Scrubland - PL, LP


High-End Reserved List

Before we start with our regulars from the High-End Reserved List, lets quick admire all the beautiful Wheel of Fortunes we got this week from Revised, FBB and FWB:


Now let’s get to our usual suspects:


MTG Foils and Rarities

Our other rarities of the week are a serialized Lazav, Wearer of Faces (NM, Murders at Karlov Manor, 153/300) as well as a Mana Crypt (EX, Harper Prism, Version 1) and Imperial Seal (PL, Traditional Chinese, Portal Three Kingdoms). 

Sealed and Unsealed Products

This week we got more than the usual sealed products for you! There’s 24 German FBB Boosters as well as three precon decks of Vampiric Bloodlust from Commander 2017. Attention: They are complete, but not factory sealed!

The last product of the week is a full display of 1996 Pro Tour Collector Set from the Limited Inaugural Edition.

New arrivals