New Arrivals: Beta Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, Time Walk

HIGHLIGHT: Beta Black Lotus

We are not holding back this week. Yes, it's a Black Lotus, and this one is from Beta is just a sight to behold. We see a lot of fantastic cards every week, but even for us, this EXCELLENT condition Lotus is something else. This is definitely going to be a centerpiece of a very nice collection soon!

Beta Baby!

Moving on to more Beta cards. Exactly 38 new cards have been added this week (including the before mentioned Black Lotus). If you are on the lookout to fill holes in your Beta set or are just collecting nice things, there's great stuff here.

Ancestral Recall PL INKED and Time Walk LP or the other Power Nine pieces that got added. Along the blue restricted cards, there are many other great playables for a future Vintage control player.

Counterspell NM, a couple of Swords to Plowshares (GD, LP), Wrath of God LP, Balance EX and a Serra Angel GD, because one has to start attacking at some point. Sol Ring NM SIGNED and Icy Manipulator LP can easily be slotted into the deck as well.

Other staples include a playset of Hypnotic Specter (NM, GD, GD, LP) and Lightning Bolt (GD, GD, GD, LP). Why not build a black-red aggressive Old School deck? Demonic Tutor PL INKED and Animate Dead NM are new in too, and a couple of Sengir Vampires (PO, PO INKED), to finish off your opponent in style.

What's missing? A proper manabase of course! 15 dual lands from Beta are freshly added to the store. Which ones? I am glad you asked:

Wow, Near Mint Beta Dual Lands. Crazy stuff!

Alpha is Awesome

From the very first Magic set, Psionic Blast GD and Berserk PL Inked are waiting for a collector to get picked up.

Unlimited is Unreal

In case you have some extra mana, both Shivan Dragon LP and Jayemdae Tome GD Signed are excellent cards to sink a mana or four.

Arabian Nights is A Thing

Readers unite, two new branches of Library of Alexandria (EX, PL Signed) have opened it town. Let's just hope Serendib Efreet EX, Juzam Djinn GD and Erhnam Djinn NM are in your deck and not at the Library.

What's more, a couple of City of Brass (EX Signed, GD) and the gorgeous Island of Wak-Wak PL round out our Arabian Nights newbies.

Legends is Legendary

The Tabernacle At Pendrell Vale GD and two Mana Drain, one is EX Signed and the other is GD.

… everything else is sweet too

These don't really justify their own section, but they are still more than noteworthy.

A single Winter Mishra's Factory from Antiquities (Played, Inked), a French FBB Wheel of Fortune PL, a Foil Breeding Pool GD Signed and a Simplified Chinese Sliver Queen LP for you High-End Reserved List connoisseurs are new in.

Uh, and a couple of sweet looking Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed, one Near Mint and one Good, from Portal Three Kingdoms.

Last but not least, a single item for the Sealed Product fan, an Italian Scourge Booster Box. Isn't it incredible!

New arrivals