New Arrivals Fresh from our Trip to Italy

Highlights: Unlimited Black Lotus, Graded Moat and PSA8 Juggernaut Beta

Our team is back from their trip to Italy, and they brought amazing cards with them. Among the "souvenirs" from Bella Italia are a graded Black Lotus (BGS 5.5) from Unlimited and a graded Moat (BGS 8.5). On top of these two beauties, we've also got a graded Beta Juggernaut (PSA 8).


Bringing Back Italians from Italy

Don't worry, we didn't kidnap any people from Padua, Italy! Instead, we purchased some Italian Legends for you. Among many others, we can present to you a few couples of Eureka, Living Plane, Moat and Nether Void, some of them in Near Mint condition! Of course, we also got some The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale for you.

Popular Legends Outside of Italy

We also picked up singles from non-Italian Legends. Especially notable are the Near Mint cards: Karakas, All Hallow's Eve, In the Eye of Chaos, Eureka, Living Plane, Sylvan Library and many, many more! To top it off, we've got a NM signed Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale waiting for you.

Beta and FFB Duals

New in our collection are also a Plateau and Bayou from Beta in Played condition. If Dual Lands are something you are generally interested in, we've got a wide range of FFB Duals for you in store. Some are Italian, some are inked, some are signed!

Making Room for the Next Generation

Beside these amazing old cards from Legends, FFB and Beta we've also brought back some newer cards for you: Treachery from Urza's Destiny, a Rhystic Study from Prophecy and a very fresh looking Jeweled Lotus. To end this category, we can proudly present to you a gorgeous Mana Vault from Kaladesh Inventions

New arrivals